Recent publications


Vettikkat L., Miettinen P., Buchholz A., Rantala P., Yu H., Schallhart S., Seco R., Männistö E., Tuittila E-S., & Schobesberger S. 2023. High emission rates and strong temperature response make boreal wetlands a large source of terpenes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23: 2683–2698. 

Ueyama M., Knox S., Delwiche K.B.,  Bansal S., Riley WJ., Baldocchi D., Hirano T., McNicol G.,  Schafer K., Windham-Myers L., Poulter B., Jackson R.B.,  Chang K-Y., Chen J., Chu H., Desai A.R.,  Gogo S.,  Iwata H., Kang M., Mammarella I., Peichl M.,  Sonnentag O.,  Tuittila E-S., Ryu Y., Euskirchen E.S., Göckede M,  Jacotot A., Nilsson M.B., & Sachs T. 2023. Modeled production, oxidation and transport processes of wetland methane emissions in temperate, boreal, and Arctic regions. Global Change Biology 29: 2313–2334. doi: 10.1111/gcb.16594

Sytiuk A., Hamard S., Céréghino R., Dorrepaal E., Geissel H., Küttim M., Lamentowicz M., Tuittila E-S., & Jassey V. 2023. Plastic responses of Sphagnum metabolites to warming have contrasting effects on peatland carbon uptake across seasons. New Phytologist 237 (4): 1164–117. doi: 10.1111/nph.18601

Männistö E., Ylänne H. Mäki M., Keinänen M., Yli-Pirilä P., Korrensalo A., Bäck J., Hellén H., Virtanen A., & Tuittila, E-S. 2023. Emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds from a boreal fen and bog as impacted by vegetation. Science of the Total Environment Volume 858, Part 2, 2023, 159809. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159809

Kettunen J., Mehtätalo L., Tuittila E-S., Korrensalo A., & Vanhatalo J. 2023. Joint species distribution modeling with competition for space. Environmetrics e2830. doi: 10.1002/env.2830

Burdun I., Bechtold M., Komisarenko V., Aurela M., Ojanen P., Minkkinen P., Humphreys E., Desai A.R., Nilsson M.B., Tuittila E-S., De Lannoy G., Uuemaa E., Marttila H., Liimatainen M., Kareksela S., Salko S-S., & Rautiainen M. 2023. Hidden becomes clear: optical remote sensing of vegetation reveals water table dynamics in northern peatlands. Remote Sensing of Environment 296: 113736. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2023.113736

Ahongshangbam J., Kulmala L., Soininen J., Frühauf Y., Karvinen E., Salmon Y., Lintunen A, Karvonen A. and Järvi L. (2023). Sap flow and leaf gas exchange response to a drought and heatwave in urban green spaces in a Nordic city. Biogeosciences 20, 4455–4475,

Zheng Y., Havu M., Liu H., Cheng X., Wen Y., Lee H.S., Ahongshangbam J. and Järvi L. (2023). Simulating heat and CO2 fluxes in Beijing using SUEWS V2020b: Sensitivity to vegetation phenology and maximum conductance. Geoscientific Model Development 16, 4551–4579,

Fung P.L., Al-Jaghbeer O., Pirjola L., Aaltonen H. and Järvi L. (2023). Exploring the discrepancy between top-down and bottom-up approaches of fine spatio-temporal vehicular CO2 emission in an urban road network. Science of the Total Environment 901, 165827,

Raymond C.M., Lechner A., Havu M., Jalkanen J., Lampinen J., Garcia-Antúnez O., Olafsson A., Gulsrud N., Kinnunen A., Backman L., Kulmala L. and Järvi L. (2023). Spatially identifying where nature-based solutions can offer win-wins for carbon mitigation and biodiversity based on diverse values and knowledge systems. npj Urban Sustainability 3:27,

Paolo Cristofanelli, Cosimo Fratticioli, Lynn Hazan, Mali Chariot, Cedric Couret, Orestis Gazetas, Dagmar Kubistin, Antti Laitinen, Ari Leskinen, Tuomas Laurila, Matthias Lindauer, Giovanni Manca, Michel Ramonet, Pamela Trisolino, and Martin Steinbacher 2023. Identification of spikes in continuous ground-based in situ time series of CO2, CH4 and CO: an extended experiment within the European ICOS Atmosphere network. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 16, 5977-5994,

Autio A., Ala-Aho P., Rossi P.M., Ronkanen A.-K., Aurela M., Lohila A., Korpelainen P., Kumpula T., Klöve B., Marttila H. 2023. Groundwater exfiltration pattern determination in the sub-arctic catchment using thermal imaging, stable water isotopes and fully-integrated groundwater-surface water modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 626, PartB, 130342,

Tikkasalo, O-P, Leppä, K., Launiainen, S., Peltoniemi, M., Mäkipää, R., Rinne-Garmston, K. T., Sahlstedt, E., Young, G. H. F., Bokareva, A., Lohila, A., Korkiakoski, M., Schiestl-Aalto, P., Lehtonen, A. 2023. Modeling the response of Norway spruce tree-ring carbon and oxygen isotopes to selection harvest on a drained peatland forest. Tree Physiology, tpad119,

Gavin McNicol, Etienne Fluet-Chouinard, Zutao Ouyang, Sara Knox, Zhen Zhang, Tuula Aalto, Sheel Bansal, Kuang-Yu Chang, Min Chen, Kyle Delwiche, Sarah Feron, Mathias Goeckede, Jinxun Liu, Avni Malhotra, Joe R. Melton, William Riley, Rodrigo Vargas, Kunxiaojia Yuan, Qing Ying, Qing Zhu, Pavel Alekseychik, Mika Aurela, David P. Billesbach, David I. Campbell, Jiquan Chen, Housen Chu, Ankur R. Desai, Eugenie Euskirchen, Jordan Goodrich, Timothy Griffis, Manuel Helbig, Takashi Hirano, Hiroki Iwata, Gerald Jurasinski, John King, Franziska Koebsch, Randall Kolka, Ken Krauss, Annalea Lohila, Ivan Mammarella, Mats Nilson, Asko Noormets, Walter Oechel, Matthias Peichl, Torsten Sachs, Ayaka Sakabe, Christopher Schulze, Oliver Sonnentag, Ryan C. Sullivan, Eeva-Stiina Tuittila, Masahito Ueyama, Timo Vesala, Eric Ward, Christian Wille, Guan Xhuan Wong, Donatella Zona, Lisamarie Windham-Myers, Benjamin Poulter, Robert B. Jackson 2023. Upscaling Wetland Methane Emissions From the FLUXNET-CH4 Eddy Covariance Network (UpCH4 v1.0): Model Development, Network Assessment, and Budget Comparison. AGU Advances,
Lintunen, Anna; Aalto, Juho; Asmi, Ari; Aurela, Mika; Bäck, Jaana; Ehn, Mikael; Ekaterina, Ezhova; Hakola, Hannele; Hartonen, Kari; Heinonsalo, Jussi; Hellen, Heidi; Hölttä, Teemu; Jokinen, Tuija; Järvi, Leena; Järvinen, Heikki; Kangasluoma, Juha; Kerminen, Veli-Matti; Kolari, Pasi; Köster, Kajar; Köster, Egle; Kulmala, Liisa; Kurten, Theo; Laaksonen, Ari; Lappalainen, Hanna K.; Lohila, Annalea; Losoi, Mari; Mäkelä, Annikki; Makkonen, Risto; Mammarella, Ivan; Mikkonen, Santtu; Moisseev, Dmitri; Ojala, Anne; Petäjä, Tuukka; Pihlatie, Mari; Porcar-Castell, Albert; Praplan, Arnaud P.; Pulliainen, Jouni; Pumpanen, Jukka; Rantala, Pekka; Riekkola, Marja-Liisa; Rissanen, Kaisa; Romakkaniemi, Sami; Ruiz-Jimenez, Jose; Sarnela, Nina; Schallhart, Simon; Schiestl-Aalto, Pauliina; Rinne, Janne; Tuittila, Eeva-Stiina; Vehkamäki, Hanna; Vesala, Timo; Viisanen, Yrjö; Virtanen, Annele; Ylivinkka, Ilona; Hari, Pertti; Kulmala, Markku 2023. The Center of Excellence in Atmospheric Science (2002–2019) — from molecular and biological processes to the global climate. Boreal Env. Res. 28: 15-80,

Heiskanen, L., Tuovinen, J.-P., Vekuri, H., Räsänen, A., Virtanen, T., Juutinen, S., Lohila, A., Mikola, J., and Aurela, M 2023. Meteorological responses of carbon dioxide and methane fluxes in the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of a subarctic landscape. Biogeosciences, 20, 545–572,

Korkiakoski, M., Ojanen, P., Tuovinen, J.-P., Minkkinen, K., Nevalainen, O., Penttilä, T., Aurela, M., Laurila, T., Lohila, A. 2023. Partial cutting of a boreal nutrient-rich peatland forest causes radically less short-term on-site CO2 emissions than clear-cutting. Agric. For. Meteorol., 332,

Vekuri, H., Tuovinen, J.-P., Kulmala, L., Papale, D., Kolari, P., Aurela, M., Laurila, T., Liski, J., Lohila, A. 2023. A widely-used eddy covariance gap-filling method creates systematic bias in carbon balance estimates. Sci. Rep., 13,

Lehtonen A., Leppä K., Rinne-Garmston K.T., Sahlstedt E., Schiestl-Aalto P., Heikkinen J., Young G.H.F., Korkiakoski M., Peltoniemi M., Sarkkola S., Lohila A., Mäkipää R. 2023. Fast recovery of suppressed Norway spruce trees after selection harvesting. Forest Ecology and Management,

Watts, J. D., Farina, M., Kimball, J. S., Schiferl, L. D., Liu, Z., Arndt, K. A., Zona, D. … Aurela, M. … Oechel, W. C 2023. Carbon uptake in Eurasian boreal forests dominates the high-latitude net ecosystem carbon budget. Global Change Biology, 29, 1870-1889,

Fung, P. L., Rannik, Ü., Mammarella, I., & Vesala, T. (2023). Ozone fluxes over a boreal lake exhibit enhanced deposition at nights. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL104354.

Tang A., Flechard, C. R., Arriga, N., Papale, D., Stoy, P., C., Buchmann, N. Cuntz, M., Douros, J., Fares, S., Knohl, A.,  Šigut, L., Simioni, G., Timmermans, R., Grünwald, T., Ibrom, A., Loubet, B., Mammarella, I., Belelli Marchesini, L., Nilsson, M., Peichl, M., Rebmann, C., Schmidt, M., Bernhofer, C., Berveiller, D., Cremonese, E., El-Madany, T.S., Gharun, M., Gianelle, D., Hörtnagl, L., Roland, M., Varlagin, A., Fu, Z., Heinesch, B., Janssens, I., Kowalska, N., Dušek, J., Gerosa, G., Mölder, M., Tuittila, E.-S., Loustau, D., 2023. Detection and attribution of an anomaly in terrestrial photosynthesis in Europe during the COVID-19 lockdown. Science of The Total Environment, 903,

McNicol, G., Fluet-Chouinard, E., Ouyang, Z., Knox, S., Zhang, Z., Aalto, T., Mammarella, I. et al., 2023. Upscaling wetland methane emissions from the FLUXNET-CH4 eddy covariance network (UpCH4 v1.0): Model development, network assessment, and budget comparison. AGU Advances, 4, e2023AV000956.

Zanchetta, A., Kooijmans, L. M. J., van Heuven, S., Scifo, A., Scheeren, H. A., Mammarella, I., Karstens, U., Ma, J., Krol, M., and Chen, H., 2023. Sources and sinks of carbonyl sulfide inferred from tower and mobile atmospheric observations in the Netherlands. Biogeosciences, 20, 3539–3553,

Clifton, O. E., Schwede, D., Hogrefe, C., Bash, J. O., Bland, S., Cheung, P., Coyle, M., Emberson, L., Flemming, J., Fredj, E., Galmarini, S., Ganzeveld, L., Gazetas, O., Goded, I., Holmes, C. D., Horváth, L., Huijnen, V., Li, Q., Makar, P. A., Mammarella, I., Manca, G., Munger, J. W., Pérez-Camanyo, J. L., Pleim, J., Ran, L., San Jose, R., Silva, S. J., Staebler, R., Sun, S., Tai, A. P. K., Tas, E., Vesala, T., Weidinger, T., Wu, Z., and Zhang, L., 2023. A single-point modeling approach for the intercomparison and evaluation of ozone dry deposition across chemical transport models (Activity 2 of AQMEII4). Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 9911–9961,

Ueyama, M., Knox, S. H., Delwiche, K. B., Bansal, S., Riley, W. J., Baldocchi, D., Hirano, T., McNicol, G., Schafer, K., Windham-Myers, L., Poulter, B., Jackson, R. B., Chang, K.-Y., Chen, J., Chu, H., Desai, A. R., Gogo, S., Iwata, H., Kang, M., Mammarella, I., … Sachs, T. (2023). Modeled production, oxidation, and transport processes of wetland methane emissions in temperate, boreal, and Arctic regions. Global Change Biology, 29, 2313–2334.

Kämäräinen, M., Tuovinen, J.-P., Kulmala, M., Mammarella, I., Aalto, J., Vekuri, H., Lohila, A., and Lintunen, A., 2023. Spatiotemporal lagging of predictors improves machine learning estimates of atmosphere–forest CO2 exchange, Biogeosciences, 20, 897–909,

Golub, M., Koupaei-Abyazani, N., Vesala, T., Mammarella, I., Ojala, A., Bohrer, G., Weyhenmeyer, G.A., Blanken, P.D., Eugster, W., Koebsch, F., et al., 2023. Diel, seasonal, and inter-annual variation in carbon dioxide effluxes from lakes and reservoirs. Environ. Res. Lett., 18, 034046, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/acb834

Kulmala, M., Kokkonen, T., Ezhova, E., Mammarella, I. et al., 2023. Aerosols, Clusters, Greenhouse Gases, Trace Gases and Boundary-Layer Dynamics: on Feedbacks and Interactions. Boundary-Layer Meteorol 186, 475–503,

Zhang, W., Jung, M., Migliavacca, M., Poyatos, R., Miralles, D.G., El-Madany, T.S., Galvagno, M., Carrara, A., Arriga, N., Ibrom, A., Mammarella, I., et al., 2023. The effect of relative humidity on eddy covariance latent heat flux measurements and its implication for partitioning into transpiration and evaporation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 330, 109305,

Guseva, S., Armani, F, Desai, A.R., Dias, N.L., Friborg, T., Iwata, H., Jansen, J., Luko, G., Mammarella, I., Repina, I., Rutgersson, A., Sachs, T., Scholz, K., Spank, U., Stepanenko, V., Torma, P., Vesala, T., Lorke, A., 2023. Bulk transfer coefficients estimated from eddy covariance measurements over lakes and reservoirs. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(2), e2022JD037219.

Faassen, K. A. P., Nguyen, L. N. T., Broekema, E. R., Kers, B. A. M., Mammarella, I., Vesala, T., Pickers, P. A., Manning, A. C., Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J., Meijer, H. A. J., Peters, W., and Luijkx, I. T., 2023. Diurnal variability of atmospheric O2, CO2, and their exchange ratio above a boreal forest in southern Finland, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 851–876,

Kohl, L., Tenhovirta, S. A. M., Koskinen, M., Putkinen, A., Haikarainen, I., Polvinen, T., Galeotti, L., Mammarella, I., Siljanen, H. M. P., Robson, T.M., Adamczyk, B., Pihlatie, M., 2023. Radiation and temperature drive diurnal variation of aerobic methane emissions from Scots pine canopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (52) e2308516120, 

Tenkanen MK, Tsuruta A, Tyystjärvi V, Törmä M, Autio I, Haakana M, Tuomainen T, Leppänen A, Markkanen T, Raivonen M, Niinistö S, Arslan AN, Aalto T. Using Atmospheric Inverse Modelling of Methane Budgets with Copernicus Land Water and Wetness Data to Detect Land Use-Related Emissions. Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(1):124.


Männistö, E., Ylänne, H., Losoi, M., Keinänen, M., Yli-Pirilä, P., Korrensalo, A., Bäck, J., Hellén, H., Virtanen, A. and Tuittila, E.S., 2023. Emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds from adjacent boreal fen and bog as impacted by vegetation composition. Science of The Total Environment, 858, p.159809.

Sytiuk, A., Hamard, S., Céréghino, R., Dorrepaal, E., Geissel, H., Küttim, M., Lamentowicz, M., Tuittila, E.S. and Jassey, V.E., 2022. Linkages between Sphagnum metabolites and peatland CO2 uptake are sensitive to seasonality in warming trends. New Phytologist.

Yuan, K., Zhu, Q., Li, F., Riley, W.J., Torn, M., Chu, H., McNicol, G., Chen, M., Knox, S., Delwiche, K. and Wu, H., 2022. Causality guided machine learning model on wetland CH4 emissions across global wetlands. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 324, p.109115.

Korrensalo, A., Mammarella, I., Alekseychik, P., Vesala, T. and Tuittila, E.S., 2022. Plant mediated methane efflux from a boreal peatland complex. Plant and Soil, 471(1), pp.375-392.

Sytiuk A., Céréghino R., Hamard S., Delarue F., Dorrepaal E., Küttim M., Lamentowicz M., Pourrut B., Robroek B.J.M, Tuittila E-S. and Jassey VEJ. 2022. Biochemical traits enhance the trait concept in Sphagnum ecology. Oikos 2022 (4): e09119.

Sytiuk A., Céréghino R., Hamard S., Delarue F., Guittet A., Barel J., Dorrepaal E., Küttim M., Lamentowicz M., Pourrut B., Robroek BJM, Tuittila E-S. and Jassey VEJ. 2022. Predicting the structure and functions of peatland microbial communities from Sphagnum phylogeny, anatomical traits, and metabolites. Journal of Ecology 110: 80-96.

Verbeke B.,  Lamit LJ.,  Lilleskov E., Chanton J., Hodgkins S. Basiliko N., Kane E., Andersen R., Artz R., Benavides J., Benscoter B., Borken W., Bragazza L., Brandt S., Brauer S., Carson M., Charman D., Chen X., Clarkson B., Cobb A., Convey P., del Aguila Pasquel J., Enriquez A., Griffiths H., Grover S., Harris L., Hazard C., Hodgson D., Hoyt A., Hribljan J., Jauhiainen J., Juutinen S., Knorr K., Kolka R., Könönen M., Larmola T., McCalley C., McLaughlin J., Moore T., Mykytczuk N., Normand A., Rich V., Roulet N., Royles J., Rutherford J., Smith D., Svenning MM., Tedersoo L., Thu P., Trettin C., Tuittila E-S., Urbanova Z., Varner R., Wang M., Wang Z., Warren M., Wiedermann M., Williams S., Yavitt J., Yu Z-G., Yu Z. and Harvey C. 2022. Latitude, elevation, and mean annual temperature predict peat organic matter chemistry at a global scale. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36, e2021GB007057.

M. Helbig et al.: Warming response of peatland CO2 sink is sensitive to seasonality in warming trends. Nature Climate Change, , 2022.

J. Heiskanen et al.: The Integrated carbon observation system in Europe. BAMS, , 2022.

Kangasaho V., Tsuruta A., Backman L., Mäkinen P., Houweling S., Segers A., Krol M, Dlugokencky E., Michel S., White J., Aalto T. Role of emission sources and atmospheric sink on the seasonal cycle of CH4 and d13-CH4: analysis based on the atmospheric chemistry transport model TM5. Atmosphere 13 (6), 888, 2022,

Wang, F., Maksyutov, S., Janardanan, R., Tsuruta, A., Ito, A., Morino, I., Yoshida, Y., Tohjima, Y., Kaiser, J. W., Lan, X., Zhang, Y., Mammarella, I., Lavric, J. V., and Matsunaga, T.: Atmospheric observations suggest methane emissions in north-eastern China growing with natural gas use, Sci Rep, 12, 18587, , 2022

Lipson M, Grimmond S., Best M., Chow W., Christen A., Chrysoulakis N., Coutts A., Crawford B., Earl S., Evans J., Fortuniak K., Heusinkveld B.G., Hong J.-W., Hong J., Järvi L., Jo S., Kim Y.H., Kotthaus S., Lee K., Masson V., McFadden J.P, Michels O., Pawlak W., Roth M., Sugawara H., Tapper N., Velasco E. and Helen Claire Ward H.C. (2022). Harmonized gap-filled datasets from 20 urban flux tower site. Earth System Science Data 14, 5157–5178,

Järvi L., Kurppa M., Kuuluvainen H., Rönkkö T., Karttunen S., Balling A., Timonen H., Niemi V.J. and Pirjola L. (2022). Determinants of spatial variability of air pollutant concentrations in a street canyon network measured using a mobile laboratory and a drone. Science of the Total Environment 856 (Part 1), 158974,

Karttunen S., O’Connor E., Peltola O. and Järvi L. (2022). Quantifying coastal urban surface layer structure using distributed temperature sensing in Helsinki, Finland. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15, 2417–2432,

Havu M., Kulmala L., Kolari P., Vesala T., Riikonen A. and Järvi L. (2022). Carbon sequestration potential of street tree plantings in Helsinki. Biogeosciences 19, 2121–2143,

Nicolini G., Antoniella G.,  Carotenuto F., Christen A., Ciais P.,  Feigenwinter C., Gioli B., Stagakis S., Velasco E., Vogt  R., Ward H.C, Barlow J., Chrysoulakis N., Duce P., Graus M., Helfter C., Heusinkveld B., Järvi L., Karl  T., Marras S., Masson V., Matthews B., Meier F., Nemitz E., Sabbatini S., Scherer D., Schume H., Sirca C., Steeneveld G.-J., Vagnoli C., Wang Y., Zaldei A., Zheng B. and Papale D. (2021). Temporal patterns of CO2 emission reductions due to COVID-19 lockdown across European urban neighborhoods. Science of the Total Environment 830,154662,

Zheng Y., Du Q., Liu Y., Sun J., Cun H. and Järvi L. (2022). Effects of precipitation seasonal distribution on net ecosystem CO2 exchange over an alpine meadow in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Biometeorology.

Kohonen, K.-M., Dewar, R., Tramontana, G., Mauranen, A., Kolari, P., Kooijmans, L. M. J., Papale, D., Vesala, T., and Mammarella, I.: Intercomparison of methods to estimate gross primary production based on CO2 and COS flux measurements, Biogeosciences, 19, 4067–4088, , 2022.

Korkiakoski, M., Määttä, T., Peltoniemi, K., Penttilä, T., and Lohila, A. 2022. Excess soil moisture and fresh carbon input are prerequisites for methane production in podzolic soil. Biogeosciences, 19, 2025–2041,

Salmon, E., Jégou, F., Guenet, B., Jourdain, L., Qiu, C., Bastrikov, V., Guimbaud, C., Zhu, D., Ciais, P., Peylin, P., Gogo, S., Laggoun-Défarge, F., Aurela, M., Bret-Harte, M. S., Chen, J., Chojnicki, B. H., Chu, H., Edgar, C. W., Euskirchen, E. S., Flanagan, L. B., Fortuniak, K.,Holl, D., Klatt, J., Kolle, O., Kowalska, N., Kutzbach, L., Lohila, A., Merbold, L., Pawlak, W., Sachs, T., Ziemblińska, K. 2022. Assessing methane emissions for northern peatlands in ORCHIDEE-PEAT revision 7020. Geosci. Model Dev,

Mathijssen, P.J.H., Tuovinen, J.-P., Lohila, A., Väliranta, M., Tuittila, E.-S. 2022. Identifying main uncertainties in estimating past and present radiative forcing of peatlands. Global Change Biology,

Nevalainen, O., Niemitalo, O., Fer, I., Juntunen, A., Mattila, T., Koskela, O., Kukkamäki, J., Höckerstedt, L., Mäkelä, L., Jarva, P., Heimsch, L., Vekuri, H., Kulmala, L., Stam, Å., Kuusela, O., Gerin, S., Viskari, T., Vira, J., Hyväluoma, J., Tuovinen, J.-P., Lohila, A., Laurila, T., Heinonsalo, J., Aalto, T., Kunttu, I., Liski, J. 2022. Towards agricultural soil carbon monitoring, reporting, and verification through the Field Observatory Network (FiON), Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 11(1), 93-109,


Dewar, R., Hölttä, T. & Salmon, Y., 2022. Exploring optimal stomatal control under alternative hypotheses for the regulation of plant sources and sinks. New Phytologist, 233:639–654

Filioglou M., Preissler J., Troiville A., Thobois L., Vakkari V., Auvinen M., Fortelius C., Gregow E., Hämäläinen K., Hellsten A., Järvi L., O’Connor E., Schönach D. and Hirsikko A. (2022). Evaluating modelled winds over an urban area using ground-based Doppler lidar observations. Meteorological Applications 29:e2052,

Jongen H.J., Steeneveld G.-J., Beringer J., Christen A., Chrysoulakis N., Fortuniak K., Hong J., Hong J.W., Jacobs C.M.J., Järvi L., Meier F., Pawlak W., Roth M., Theeuwes N.E., Velasco E., Vogt R. and Teuling R.J. (2022). Urban water storage capacity inferred from observed evapotranspiration recession. Geophysical Research Letters 49, e2021GL096069,

Stavert, A. R., Saunois, M., Canadell, J. G., Poulter, B., Jackson, R. B., Regnier, P., Lauerwald, R., Raymond, P. A., Allen, G. H., Patra, P. K., Bergamaschi, P., Bousquet, P., Chandra, N., Ciais, P., Gustafson, A., Ishizawa, M., Ito, A., Kleinen, T., Maksyutov, S., McNorton, J., Melton, J. R., Müller, J., Niwa, Y., Peng, S., Riley, W. J., Segers, A., Tian, H., Tsuruta, A., Yin, Y., Zhang, Z., Zheng, B., and Zhuang, Q. (2022): Regional trends and drivers of the global methane budget, Global Change Biology, 28, 182–200,

Thompson, R. L.; Groot Zwaaftink, C. D.; Brunner, D.; Tsuruta, A.; Aalto, T.; Raivonen, M.; Crippa, M.; Solazzo, E.; Guizzardi, D.; Regnier, P.; Maisonnier, M. (2022) Effects of Extreme Meteorological Conditions in 2018 on European Methane Emissions Estimated Using Atmospheric Inversions. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A., 380 (2215), 20200443.

Vesala, T., Kohonen, K.-M., Kooijmans, L. M. J., Praplan, A. P., Foltýnová, L., Kolari, P., Kulmala, M., Bäck, J., Nelson, D., Yakir, D., Zahniser, M., and Mammarella, I.: Long-term fluxes of carbonyl sulfide and their seasonality and interannual variability in a boreal forest, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 2569–2584, , 2022.

Helbig, M., Živković, T., Alekseychik, P.,.. Mammarella, I., et al. Warming response of peatland CO2 sink is sensitive to seasonality in warming trends. Nat. Clim. Chang. 12, 743–749 (2022).

Junninen, H., Ahonen, L., Bianchi, F. .. Mammarella, I. et al., 2022. Terpene emissions from boreal wetlands can initiate stronger atmospheric new particle formation than boreal forests. Commun Earth Environ 3, 93.

Ala-Könni, J., Kohonen, K.-M., Leppäranta, M., and Mammarella, I., 2022. Validation of turbulent heat transfer models against eddy covariance flux measurements over a seasonally ice-covered lake, Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 4739–4755,

Golub, M., Thiery, W., Marcé, R., Pierson, D.,.., Mammarella, I., et al., 2022. A framework for ensemble modelling of climate change impacts on lakes worldwide: the ISIMIP Lake Sector, Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 4597–4623,

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Helbig, M., Waddington, J. M., Alekseychik, P., Amiro, B. D., Aurela, M., Barr, A. G., Black, T. A., Blanken, P. D., Carey, S. K., Chen, J., Chi, J., Desai, A. R., Dunn, A., Euskirchen, E. S., Flanagan, L. B., Forbrich, I., Friborg, T., Grelle, A., Harder, S., Heliasz, M., Humphreys, E. R., Ikawa, H., Isabelle, P.-E., Iwata, H., Jassal, R., Korkiakoski, M., Kurbatova, J., Kutzbach, L., Lindroth, A., Ottosson Löfvenius, M., Lohila, A., Mammarella, I., Marsh, P., Maximov, T., Melton, J. R., Moore, P. A., Nadeau, D. F., Nicholls, E. M., Nilsson, M. B., Ohta, T., Peichl, M., Petrone, R. M., Petrov, R., Prokushkin, A., Quinton, W. L., Reed, D. E., Roulet, N. T., Runkle, B. R. K., Sonnentag, O., Strachan, I. B., Taillardat, P., Tuittila, E.-S., Tuovinen, J.-P., Turner, J., Ueyama, M., Varlagin, A., Wilmking, M., Wofsy, S. C. & Zyrianov, V. (2020). Increasing contribution of peatlands to boreal evapotranspiration in a warming climate. Nature Climate Change 10, 555–560.

Helbig, M., Waddington, J. M., Alekseychik, P., Amiro, B. D., Aurela, M., Barr, A. G., Black, T. A., Carey, S. K., Chen, J., Chi, J., Desai, A. R., Dunn, A., Euskirchen, E. S., Flanagan, L. B., Friborg, T., Garneau, M., Grelle, A., Harder, S., Heliasz, M., Humphreys, E. R., Ikawa, H., Isabelle, P.-E., Iwata, H., Jassal, R., Korkiakoski, M., Kurbatova, J., Kutzbach, L., Lapshina, E., Lindroth, A., Ottosson Löfvenius, M., Lohila, A., Mammarella, I., Marsh, P., Moore, P. A., Maximov, T., Nadeau, D. F., Nicholls, E. M., Nilsson, M. B., Ohta, T., Peichl, M., Petrone, R. M., Prokushkin, A., Quinton, W. L., Roulet, N. T., Runkle, B. R. K., Sonnentag, O., Strachan, I. B., Taillardat, P., Tuittila, E.-S., Tuovinen, J.-P., Turner, J., Ueyama, M., Varlagin, A., Vesala, T., Wilmking, M., Zyrianov, V. & Schulze, C. (2020). The biophysical climate mitigation potential of boreal peatlands during the growing season. Environmental Research Letters 15(10), 104004. 

Janardanan, R., Maksyutov, S., Tsuruta, A., Wang, F., Tiwari, Y.K., Valsala, V., Ito, A., Yoshida, Y., Kaiser, J.W., Janssens-Maenhout, G., Arshinov, M., Sasakawa, M., Tohjima, Y., Worthy, D.E.J., Dlugokencky, E.J., Ramonet, M., Arduini, J., Lavric, J.V., Piacentino, S., Krummel, P.B., Langenfelds, R.L., Mammarella, I., Matsunaga, T. Country-Scale Analysis of Methane Emissions with a High-Resolution Inverse Model Using GOSAT and Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2020,12, 375,

Koebsch, F., Sonnentag, O., Järveoja, J., Peltoniemi, M., Alekseychik, P., Aurela, M., Arslan, A.N., Dinsmore, K., Gianelle, D., Helfter, C., Jackowicz-Korczynski, M., Korrensalo, A., Leith, F., Linkosalmi, M., Lohila, A., Lund, M., Maddison, M., Mammarella, I., Mander, Ü., Minkkinen, K., Pickard, A., Pullens, J.W.M., Tuittila, E.-S., Nilsson, M.B., Peichl, M., 2020. Refining the role of phenology on regulating gross ecosystem productivity across European peatlands. Global Change Biology, 26(2),

Kohonen, K-M., Kolari, P., Kooijmans, L. M. J., Chen, H., Seibt., U., Sun, W., and Mammarella, I. (2020). Towards standardized processing of eddy covariance flux measurements of carbonyl sulfide, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13, 3957-3975.

Korkiakoski, M., Ojanen, P., Penttilä, T., Minkkinen, K., Sarkkola, S., Rainne, J., Laurila, T. and Lohila, A. (2020). Impact of partial harvest on CH4 and N2O balances of a drained boreal peatland forest, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 295, 108168.

Korrensalo, A., Mehtätalo, L., Alekseychik, P., Uljas, S., Mammarella, I., Vesala, T., Tuittila, E.S., 2020. Varying Vegetation Composition, Respiration and Photosynthesis Decrease Temporal Variability of the CO2 Sink in a Boreal Bog. Ecosystems 23, 842–858.

Leppä, K., Korkiakoski, M., Nieminen, M., Laiho, R., Hotanen, J.-P., Kieloaho, A.-J., Korpela, L., Laurila, T., Lohila, A., Minkkinen, K., Mäkipää, R., Ojanen, P., Pearson, M., Penttilä, T., Tuovinen, J.-P. & Launiainen, S. (2020). Vegetation controls of water and energy balance of a drained peatland forest: Responses to alternative harvesting practices. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 295, 108198.

Li, X., Wahlroos, O., Haapanala, S., Pumpanen, J., Vasander, H., Ojala, A., Vesala, T., and Mammarella, I. (2020): Carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from different surface types in a created urban wetland, Biogeosciences, 17, 3409–3425, 

Lindroth, A., Holst, J., Linderson, M.-L., Aurela, M., Biermann, T., Heliasz, M., Chi, J., Ibrom, A., Kolari, P., Klemedtsson, L., Krasnova, A., Laurila, T., Lehner, I., Lohila, A., Mammarella, I., Mölder, M., Löfvenius, M.O., Peichl, M., Pilegaard, K., Soosar, K., Vesala, T., Vestin, P., Weslien; P., Nilsson, M., 2020. Effects pf drought and meteorological forcing on carbon and water fluxes in Nordic forests during the dry summer of 2018. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 375:20190516.

Nelson, J.A., Perez-Priego, O., Zhou, S., Poyatos, R., Zhang, Y., Blaken, P.D., Gimeno, T.E., Wohlfart, G., Desai, A.R, Gioli, B., Limousin, J.-M., Bonal, D., Paul-Limoges, E., Scott, R.L., Varlagin, A., Fuchs, K., Montagnani, L., Wolf, S., Delpierre, N., Berveiller, Ghgarun, M., Mammarella, I., Knohl, A., Magliulo, V., Besnard, S., Weber, S., Reichstein, M., Jung, M., 2020. Ecosystem transpiration and evaporation: Insights from three water flux partitioning methods across FLUXNET sites. Global Change Biology, 26(12), 6916-6930.

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Pastorello, G., Trotta, C., Canfora, E., …, Aurela, M., …, Hatakka, J., …, Laurila, T.,…, Lohila, A., …, Tuovinen, J.-P., … & Papale, D. (2020). The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data. Scientific Data 7, 225.

Piilo, S. R., Korhola, A., Heiskanen, L., Tuovinen, J.-P., Aurela, M., Juutinen, S., Marttila, H., Saari, M., Tuittila, E.-S., Turunen, J. & Väliranta, M. M. (2020). Spatially varying peatland initiation, Holocene development, carbon accumulation patterns and radiative forcing within a subarctic fen. Quaternary Science Reviews 248, 106596.

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Ramonet, M. et al., 2020. The fingerprint of the summer 2018 drought in Europe on ground-based atmospheric CO2 measurements. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 375:20190513.

Rannik Ü., Vesala T., Peltola O., Novick K.A., Aurela M., Järvi L., Montagnani L., Mölder M., Peichl M., Pilegaard K., and Mammarella I. (2020). Impact of coordinate rotation on eddy covariance fluxes at complex sites, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 287, 107940.

Reyer, C. P. O., Silveyra Gonzalez, R., Dolos, K., Hartig, F., Hauf, Y., Noack, M., Lasch-Born, P., Rötzer, T., Pretzsch, H., Meesenburg, H., Fleck, S., Wagner, M., Bolte, A., Sanders, T. G. M., Kolari, P., Mäkelä, A., Vesala, T., Mammarella, I.,Pumpanen, J., Collalti, A., Trotta, C., Matteucci, G., D'Andrea, E., Foltýnová, L., Krejza, J., Ibrom, A., Pilegaard, K., Loustau, D., Bonnefond, J.-M., Berbigier, P., Picart, D., Lafont, S., Dietze, M., Cameron, D., Vieno, M., Tian, H., Palacios-Orueta, A., Cicuendez, V., Recuero, L., Wiese, K., Büchner, M., Lange, S., Volkholz, J., Kim, H., Horemans, J. A., Bohn, F., Steinkamp, J., Chikalanov, A., Weedon, G. P., Sheffield, J., Babst, F., Vega del Valle, I., Suckow, F., Martel, S., Mahnken, M., Gutsch, M., and Frieler, K.: The PROFOUND Database for evaluating vegetation models and simulating climate impacts on European forests, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 1295–1320,

Rinne, J., Tuovinen, J.-P., Klemedtsson, L., Aurela,  M., Holst, J., Lohila, A., Weslien, P., Vestin, P., Peichl, M., Tuittila, E.-S., Heiskanen, L., Laurila, T., Li, X., Alekseychik, P., Mammarella, I., Ström, L., Crill, P. and Nilsson, M. (2020): Effect of 2018 drought on methane and carbon dioxide exchange of northern mire ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375:20190517.   

Räsänen, M., Merbold, L., Vakkari, V., Aurela., M., Laakso, L., Beukes, J. P., Zyl, P. G. V., Josipovic, M., Feig, G., Pellikka, P., Rinne, J. & Katul, G. (2020). Root-zone soil moisture variability across African savannas : From pulsed rainfall to land‐cover switches. Ecohydrology 13, 2213.

Silfver,T., Heiskanen, L., Aurela, M., Myller, K., Karhu, K., Meyer, N., Tuovinen, J.-P., Oksanen, E., Rousi, M. & Mikola, M. (2020). Insect herbivory dampens Subarctic birch forest C sink response to warming. Nature Communications 11, 2529.

Song, C., Luan, J., Xu, X., Ma, M., Aurela, M., Lohila, A.,Mammarella, I., Alekseychik, P., Tuittila, E.-S., Gong, W., Chen, X., Meng, X. & Yuan, W. (2020). A microbial functional group‐based CH4 model integrated into a terrestrial ecosystem model: Model structure, site‐level evaluation, and sensitivity analysis. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth systems, 12, e2019MS001867. 10.1029/2019MS001867

Wang, S., Zhang, Y., Ju, W, Porcar-Castell, A., Ye, S., Zhang, Z., Brummer, C., Urbaniak, M., Mammarella, I., Juszczak, R. and Boersma, K.F., 2020. Warmer spring alleviated the impacts of 2018 European summer heatwave and drought on vegetation photosynthesis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 295, 108195,

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Järvi L., Havu M., Ward H.C., Bellucco V., McFadden J.P., Toivonen T., Heikinheimo V., Kolari P., Riikonen A., and Grimmond C.S.B. (2019). Spatial modeling of local-scale biogenic and anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions in Helsinki. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(15), 8363–8384.

Kiuru P., Ojala A., Mammarella I., Heiskanen J., Erkkilä K.-M., Miettinen H., Vesala T., and Huttula T. (2019). Applicability and consequences of the integration of alternative models for CO2 transfer velocity into a process-based lake model, Biogeosciences, 16(17), 3297–3317.

Knox S.H., et al. (2019). FLUXNET-CH4 Synthesis Activity: Objectives, observations, and future directions, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100(12), 2607-2632.

Kooijmans L.M., Sun W., Aalto J., Erkkilä K.-M., Maseyk K., Seibt U., Vesala T., Mammarella I., and Chen H. (2019). Influences of light and humidity on carbonyl sulfide-based estimates of photosynthesis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(7), 2470–2475.

Korkiakoski M., Tuovinen J.-P., Penttilä T., Sarkkola S., Ojanen P., Minkkinen K., Rainne J., Laurila T., and Lohila A. (2019). Greenhouse gas and energy fluxes in a boreal peatland forest after clear-cutting, Biogeosciences, 16(19), 3703–3723.

Korrensalo A., Mehtätalo L., Alekseychik P., Uljas S., Mammarella I., Vesala T., and Tuittila E.-S. (2019). Varying vegetation composition, respiration and photosynthesis decrease temporal variability of the CO2 sink in a boreal bog, Ecosystems, .

Kulmala L., Pumpanen J., Kolari P., Dengel S., Berninger F., Köster K., Matkala L., Vanhatalo A., Vesala T., and Bäck J. (2019). Inter- and intra-annual dynamics of photosynthesis differ between forest floor vegetation and tree canopy in a subarctic Scots pine stand, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 271.

Mäkelä J., Knauer J., Aurela M., Black A., Heimann M., Kobayashi H., Lohila A., Mammarella I., Margolis H., Markkanen T., Susiluoto J., Thum T., Viskari T., Zaehle S., and Aalto T. (2019). Parameter calibration and stomatal conductance formulation comparison for boreal forests with adaptive population importance sampler in the land surface model JSBACH, Geosci. Model Dev., 12(9), 4075–4098.

Männistö E., Korrensalo A., Alekseychik P., Mammarella I., Peltola O., Vesala T., and Tuittila E.-S. (2019). Multi-year methane ebullition measurements from water and bare peat surfaces of a patterned boreal bog, Biogeosciences, 16(11), 2409–2421.

Nichol C.J., Drolet G., Porcar-Castell A., Wade T., Sabater N., Middleton E.M., MacLellan C., Levula J., Mammarella I., Vesala T., and Atherton J. (2019). Diurnal and seasonal solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis in a boreal Scots pine canopy, Remote Sensing, 11(3), 273.

Peaucelle M., Bacour C., Ciais P., Vuichard N., Kuppel S., Peñuelas J., Belelli Marchesini L., Blanken P.D., Buchmann N., Chen J., Delpierre N., Desai A.R., Dufrene E., Gianelle D., Gimeno‐Colera C., Gruening C., Helfter C., Hörtnagl L., Ibrom A., Joffre R., Kato T., Kolb T.E., Law B., Lindroth A., Mammarella I., Merbold L., Minerbi S., Montagnani L., Šigut L., Sutton M., Varlagin A., Vesala T., Wohlfahrt G., Wolf S., Yakir D., and Viovy N. (2019). Covariations between plant functional traits emerge from constraining parameterization of a terrestrial biosphere model, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28(9), 1351–1365. 

Peltola O., Vesala T., Gao Y., Räty O., Alekseychik P., Aurela M., Chojnicki B., Desai A.R., Dolman A.J., Euskirchen E.S., Friborg T., Göckede M., Helbig M., Humphreys E., Jackson R.B., Jocher G., Joos F., Klatt J., Knox S.H., Kowalska N., Kutzbach L., Lienert S., Lohila A., Mammarella I., Nadeau D.F., Nilsson M.B., Oechel W.C., Peichl M., Pypker T., Quinton W., Rinne J., Sachs T., Samson M., Schmid H.P., Sonnentag O., Wille C., Zona D., and Aalto T. (2019). Monthly gridded data product of northern wetland methane emissions based on upscaling eddy covariance observations, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11(3), 1263–1289.

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ICOS ECO Station Protocols

International Agrophysics, vol 32, issue 4, 2018



Alekseychik P., Mammarella I., Lindroth A., Lohila A., Aurela M., Laurila T., Kasurinen V., Lund M., Rinne J., Nilsson M.B., Peichl M., Minkkinen K., Shurpali N.J., Tuittila E.-S., Martikainen P.J., Tuovinen J.-P., and Vesala T. (2018). Surface energy exchange in pristine and managed boreal peatlands, Mires and peat, 21, 14. DOI: 10.19189/MaP.2018.OMB.333.

Barskov K.V., Glazunov A.V., Repina I.A., Stepanenko V. M., Lykossov V.N., and Mammarella I. (2018). On the applicability of similarity theory for the stable atmospheric boundary layer over complex terrain, Izv. Atmos. Ocean. Phys., 54(5), 462–471.

Bergamaschi P., Karstens U., Manning A.J., et al. (2018). Inverse modelling of European CH4 emissions during 2006–2012 using different inverse models and reassessed atmospheric observations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(2), 901–920.

Dengel, S., Graf, A., Grünwald, T., Hehn, M., Kolari, P., Löfvenius, M., Merbold, L., Nicolini, G., Pavelka, M. (2018). Standardized precipitation measurements within ICOS: rain, snowfall and snow depth: a review. Int. Agrophys. , 32(4): 607–617,

Ducker J.A., Holmes C.D., Keenan T.F., Fares S., Goldstein A.H., Mammarella I., Munger J.W., and Schnell J. (2018). Synthetic ozone deposition and stomatal uptake at flux tower sites, Biogeosciences, 15, 53955413.

Erkkilä K.-M., Ojala A., Bastviken D., Biermann T., Heiskanen J.J., Lindroth A., Peltola O., Rantakari M., Vesala T., and Mammarella I. (2018). Methane and carbon dioxide fluxes over a lake: comparison between eddy covariance, floating chambers and boundary layer method, Biogeosciences, 15, 429–445.

Franz D., Acosta M., Altimir N., … Aurela M, … Kolari P., … Laurila T., … Lohila A., … Mammarella I., … Peltola O., Pihlatie M., … Pumpanen J., … Tuittila E.-S., Tuovinen J.-P., … and Vesala T. (2018). Towards long-term standardised carbon and greenhouse gas observations for monitoring Europe's terrestrial ecosystems: a review, International Agrophysics, 32(4), 439–455.

Franz, D., Mammarella, I., Boike, J., Kirillin, G., Vesala, T., Bornemann, N., Larmanou, E., Langer, M. & Sachs, T. (2018). Lake-Atmosphere Heat Flux Dynamics of a Thermokarst Lake in Arctic Siberia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 123, 10, 5222-5239.

Gielen B., Acosta M., Altimir N., Buchmann N., Cescatti A., Ceschia E., Fleck S., Hörtnagl L., Klumpp K., Kolari P., Lohila, A., Loustau D., Marańon-Jimenez S., Manise T., Matteucci G., Merbold L., Metzger C., Moureaux C., Montagnani L., Nilsson M.B., Osborne B., Papale D., Pavelka M., Saunders M., Simioni G., Soudani K., Sonnentag O., Tallec T., Tuittila E.-S., Peichl M., Pokorny R., Vincke C., and Wohlfahrt G. (2018). Ancillary vegetation measurements at ICOS ecosystem stations, International Agrophysics, 32(4), 645–664.

Golubyatnikov, L. L. & Mammarella, I. (2018). Methane Fluxes Into Atmosphere from Fennoskandian Lakes. Izvestiya. Atmospheric and oceanic physics. 54, 6, 570-580.

Hari P., Noe S., Dengel S., Elbers J., Gielen B., Kerminen V.-M., Kruijt B., Kulmala L., Lindroth A., Mammarella I., Petäjä T., Schurgers G., Vanhatalo A., Kulmala M., and Bäck J. (2018). Prediction of photosynthesis in Scots pine ecosystems across Europe by a needle-level theory, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 1332113328.

Honkanen M., Tuovinen J.-P., Laurila T., Mäkelä T., Hatakka J., Kielosto S., and Laakso L. (2018). Measuring turbulent CO2 fluxes with a closed-path gas analyzer in a marine environment, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 5335–5350.

Järvi L., Rannik Ü., Kokkonen T.V., Kurppa M., Karppinen A., Kouznetsov R.D., Rantala P., Vesala T., and Wood C.R. (2018). Uncertainty of eddy covariance flux measurements over an urban area based on two towers, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 54215438.

Katul G., Peltola O., Grönholm T., Launiainen S., Mammarella I., and Vesala T. (2018). Ejective and sweeping motions above a peatland and their role in relaxed-eddy-accumulation measurements and turbulent transport modelling. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 169(2), 163–184.

Kiuru P., Ojala A., Mammarella I., Heiskanen J., Kämäräinen M., Vesala T., and Huttula T. (2018). Effects of climate change on CO2 concentration and efflux in a humic boreal lake: A modeling study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123(7), 22122233.

Korrensalo A., Kettunen L., Laiho R., Alekseychik P., Vesala T., Mammarella I., and Tuittila, E.-S. (2018) Boreal bog plant communities along a water‐table gradient differ by their standing biomass but not by their biomass production. Journal of Vegetation Science, 29(2), 136–146.

Korrensalo A., Männistö E., Alekseychik P., Mammarella I., Rinne J., Vesala T., and Tuittila E.-S. (2018). Small spatial variability in methane emission measured from a wet patterned boreal bog. Biogeosciences, 15(6), 1749–1761.

Li, X., Xiao, J., He, B., Arain, M. A., Beringer, J., Desai, A. R., Emmel, C., Hollinger, D. Y., Krasnova, A., Mammarella, I., Noe, S. M., Serrano Ortiz, P., Rey-Sanchez, A. C., Rocha, A. V. & Varlagin, A. 2018. Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence is strongly correlated with terrestrial photosynthesis for a wide variety of biomes: First global analysis based on OCO-2 and flux tower observations. Global Change Biology, 24, 9, 3990-4008.

Mammarella, I., Gavrylenko, G., Zdorovennova, G., Ojala, A., Erkkilä, K-M., Zdorovennov, R., Stepanyuk, O., Palshin, N., Terzhevik, A., Vesala, T. & Heiskanen, J. 2018. Effects of similar weather patterns on the thermal stratification, mixing regimes and hypolimnetic oxygen depletion in two boreal lakes with different water transparency. Boreal Environment Research. 23, 237-247.

Martínez, B., Sanchez-Ruiz, S., Gilabert, M. A., Moreno, A., Campos-Taberner, M., García-Haro, F. J., Trigo, I. F., Aurela, M., Brümmer, C., Carrara, A., De Ligne, A., Gianelle, D., Grünwald, T., Limousin, J. M., Lohila, A., Mammarella, I., Sottocornola, M., Steinbrecher, R. and Tagesson, T. (2018) Retrieval of daily gross primary production over Europe and Africa from an ensemble of SEVIRI/MSG products. Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation, 65, 124–136.

Matthew Saunders, Sigrid Dengel, Pasi Kolari, Christine Moureaux, Leonardo Montagnani, Eric Ceschia, Nuria Altimir, Ana López-Ballesteros, Sara Marañon-Jimenez, Manuel Acosta, Katja Klumpp, Bert Gielen, Maarten Op de Beeck, Lukas Hörtnagl, Lutz Merbold, Bruce Osborne, Thomas Grünwald, Dominique Arrouays, Hakima Boukir, Nicolas Saby, Giacomo Nicolini, Dario Papale, Michael Jones. (2018). Importance of reporting ancillary site characteristics, and management and disturbance information at ICOS stations. Int. Agrophys., 32(4): 457–469.

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